Coast to Coast Bike Ride 2014
Aug 14, 2014
When I completed my first Coast-2-Coast bike ride in 2010, I seldom expected to say that for fifth consecutive year I would be part of a group from TeleWare participating in a C2C event, cycling east-to-west across the country once again.
This year we took the Rievers Route, biking across the old boundaries of England and Scotland where bandits and outlaws (formerly called ‘Rievers’) once roamed. The event had fewer hills than previous routes we’ve taken, as it crossed The Pennines at a favourable position, but it made up for this with extra milage overall, ending in North Tynemouth, rather than Wearmouth. The ride, as always, was a thoroughly enjoyable weekend, I highly doubt we’ll ever choose to cycle the route again, as it was the least scenic, and certainly least sign-posted that we’ve completed.
As every, the logo and t-shirts were designed by yours truly. This year the t-shirts were provided by StreetShirts, who’s service I recommend highly.
Here’s to year number six in 2015, hopefully we’ll choose the Way of the Roses and complete all the major C2C routes.