Violets. Logo design & a little reflection.
May 04, 2021
A logo I wish there wasn’t the need to create, but also one I’m proud to have been involved with.
Vi has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. A friend of my parents, a member of my church, and just the nicest, warmest, feistiest (in the best way) person anyone could hope to meet.
It’s amazing that your family have set up a charity called Violets. It will come as a surprise no-one that your positivity will continue to make an impact on so many lives.
Violets aims to support the existing Dragonfly scheme, assisting the Acute Specialist Palliative Care Team at James Cook University Hospital so they are able to support patients and their families.
While we knew you were ill Vi but we hoped we’d have more time. I remember bumping into you and Colin on one of our family walks last year. We had a quick catch-up but kept it brief and distanced due to Covid. I never in a million years thought it would be our last. Thank you for everything.